Telefonisch contact

For technical questions you can contact: maandag t/m vrijdag
tussen 09.00 t/m 17.00 uur contact opnemen met de installateur.

Note! Voor het aanvragen van een offerte
of een serviceverzoek gebruik het online formulier of via WhatsApp.

Plumbing company

As a recognized plumbing company in the Rotterdam region, we provide the certainty of expert advice and professional installation. regio Rotterdam de zekerheid van deskundig advies en vakkundige installatie.


Our services as an installer and plumber are divided into job orders.


View our rates. You can hire us for different hourly rates.

Work area

We are located in Rotterdam and work within a radius of approximately 10 kilometers.


We are happy to assist you in answering all your questions.

Small repairs also have 100% attention and service with us.