Telefonisch contact

For technical questions you can contact: maandag t/m vrijdag
tussen 09.00 t/m 17.00 uur contact opnemen met de installateur.

Note! Voor het aanvragen van een offerte
of een serviceverzoek gebruik het online formulier of via WhatsApp.

Explanation rates

Transparency is a core value in our collaboration with clients, and so are our rates. We think it is important to clearly explain our working method and the conditions with regard to the rates. In this way we strive to provide clarity and confidence to all our customers. Do not hesitate to ask us for more information, we are always ready to explain and answer any questions. Together we build a transparent and successful collaboration!

Small jobs and malfunctions
Sometimes unexpected jobs and malfunctions come into play. Since it is difficult to make an accurate estimate of the time needed to help you by telephone, we would like to point out that every assignment, regardless of its size, requires time for work preparation, collecting the necessary material and financial settlement. For this reason we always charge a minimum of 1 hour.

Do you expect the assignment to take less than 1 hour? We may be able to do an extra job for you at the same time. This allows us to work more efficiently and save costs. Let us know and we will do our best to provide you with the best possible service!

Block times and hourly rates
Wij hanteren 4 verschillende bloktijden. Hoe groter het project hoe goedkoper het uurtarief. Onderstaande tarieven gelden inclusief btw voor de particuliere sector en exclusief btw voor bedrijven.

Rate:Amount of hours:Cost per hour:
A1 tot 3 uur80
B4 tot 7 uur70
C8 hours60
Dmultiple days60

Intensity and call-out costs
In addition to our hourly rate, we use 3 rates for our call-out costs and/or extra work due to unforeseen circumstances.

Call-out costs:
The call-out costs include travel time, fuel and costs for the company car. For this travel time, both the commuting distance and the collection of material from the supplier are taken into account. If we have to drive to our supplier several times for a project, we can choose to charge a higher intensity level.

  • Intensiteit A: 50 | minder dan 9 km en geen extra reistijd/werkzaamheden
  • Intensiteit B: 65 | 10 tot 19 km en/of extra reistijd en/of extra werkzaamheden
  • Intensity C: 75 | more than 20 km and/or extra travel time and/or extra work

Parking costs
Price indications are always exclusive of parking costs, which we calculate afterwards. If you have a visitor pass, you can indicate this in advance.

Fixed rate
Voor het ontstoppen van de riolering binnenshuis hanteren wij vaste tarieven tussen 130 en 170. Onderstaande tarieven gelden inclusief btw voor de particuliere sector en exclusief btw voor bedrijven. Je ontvangt 3 maanden garantie op de door ons verrichten werkzaamheden.

If we cannot solve the blockage, the customer pays nothing.

This warranty does lapse if:

  1. There is construction waste in the drain pipe, down pipe or main sewer
  2. If the blockage is outside the home
    If the blockage is caused by root growth in the sewer
  3. There is a break in the drain pipe, down pipe or main sewer
  4. A building and/or construction error is detected

Diagnosis and advice

We use 2 prices for giving advice and performing a diagnosis.

Mondeling advies 130 (op locatie)
Mondeling advies incl. rapport 170

Leak detection

In case of damage due to leakage, the insurance company asks for advice from a plumber. We are regularly asked. During our visit, we make a diagnosis of our findings and provide advice for the next steps. After our visit we will send a report which can be forwarded to the insurance company.

In most cases, insurance will reimburse this visit. We recommend that you inquire in advance with your own insurance company.

Leak detection costs
Leak detection costs are indicated excluding VAT. Costs include call-out costs. We do not charge extra for the use of our equipment.

  1. Leak detection investigation including report 425.00
  2. Leak detection investigation on working days after 5 pm and or on Saturdays 480.00
  3. Detecting roof leaks without a report 300.00

Bovengenoemde bedragen zijn gebaseerd op een onderzoek van maximaal 3 uur. Voor eventueel meerwerk en reparatie zullen we per manuur 80 in rekening moeten brengen.

Voor spoedreparatie op zon- en feestdagen hanteren wij een tarief van 130 per uur, exclusief voorrijkosten (geen uitgebreid onderzoek mogelijk op deze dagen).

Afterwards we send an invoice by e-mail via the Moneybird accounting program. We use a payment term of 7 days.

Reminder, reminder and collection
We sincerely hope that it is not necessary to proceed to further steps if payment is not forthcoming. We do everything we can to prevent this from our side.

For example, we will send a reminder 2 weeks after the due date, because it is of course always possible that this has escaped attention. If payment is still not forthcoming, we will send a second reminder a week later or we will contact you by telephone to find out the cause of the payment delay. If payment is still not made after this, we will send a third reminder a week later with an urgent request to pay the invoice within 3 days. After these 3 days we will send the invoice to Online Collection Agency. All associated costs will be passed on to the customer.

For small work, we try to send the customer a price indication that is as targeted as possible. For larger projects, we will send you a quote via our Moneybird accounting program with an expiration period of 30 days.

For both indications we provide estimated costs, not a fixed price agreement. If the costs are higher than the given price indication, we will discuss this with the customer at all times.